About lobbying

What is lobbying?

Lobbying is when a person or organization communicates with a public office holder, either directly or by means of grass-roots communication, for the purpose of attempting to influence the outcome of a government decision.

Communication methods include, but are not limited to: 

  • emails;
  • letters;
  • telephone;
  • fax;
  • in-person meetings;
  • formal or informal encounters; and 
  • grass-roots communication, which refers to initiating petitions or using social media to encourage the general public to contact a public office holder to support or oppose a policy, law, program, funding or provision of government services.

An attempt to influence a government decision is the key difference between routine communications which are not lobbying, and attempts to persuade a public office holder. For example, if you provide feedback to the government on a public engagement, that is not lobbying. An example of lobbying would be requesting a meeting with a Minister to propose changes to how the government delivers services or programs to the public.

Who is a public office holder?

Public office holders include: 

  • Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs);
  • Premier, Ministers, Cabinet office staff and caucus staff;
  • MLA staff; and
  • Government of Yukon’s public service employees.

The difference between advocacy and lobbying

Advocacy seeks to get public support for, or make the public aware of a particular issue. Advocacy becomes lobbying when there is an intent to influence public office holders to support or oppose changes in policy, law, program, funding or providing government services.

Why we have a Lobbyist Registry

The Yukon Lobbyist Registry exists to make information about who is lobbying the Government of Yukon available to the public. The Lobbyists Registration Act is not intended to impede communication with public office holders. The goal is to make interactions between lobbyists and public office holders more open and transparent for the public. 

The Lobbyists Registration Act establishes a lobbyist registry in Yukon and makes registration mandatory. The Act came into effect on October 15, 2020.

Lobbyists are responsible for disclosing their activities through the lobbyist registry based on criteria identified in the Act

Conflict of Interest Commissioner

The Conflict of Interest Commissioner is the registrar of the Yukon Lobbyist Registry. The Commissioner oversees and monitors the lobbyist registry. The Office of the Yukon Lobbyist Registry, also known as the Lobbyist Registry Administrator, supports these responsibilities and will respond to inquiries from lobbyists or the public on behalf of the Commissioner.