Organization details



Muriel Protzer

Business name

Canadian Federation of Independent Business


625 Howe St

City or town


Territory, province or state

British Columbia

Postal code

V6Z 2T6



Activity name Last updated Status Topic View
Briefing Ministry Staff 2023/11/15 15:37 Inactive Small business View
Meeting with Minister of Economic Development 2023/11/15 15:36 Inactive Small business View
Letter to Yukon - CPP 2023/08/11 20:28 Inactive Small business View
Letter to Yukon - RTAW 2023/08/11 20:28 Inactive Small business View
Small Business Support during COVID-19 2023/11/15 15:36 Inactive Small business View
Showing your support for small business recovery by promoting #SmallBusinessEveryDay 2023/01/30 16:01 Inactive Small business View
Showing your support to small business through a positive video message of hope 2022/12/31 0:04 Inactive Small business View
Meeting between CFIB and Yukon Party Official Opposition 2023/11/15 15:36 Inactive Small business View
Open Letter to Canada's Finance Ministers 2023/03/03 10:32 Inactive Small business View